Serpa: Alberto Matos is the list of head of the Left Bloc of the House “White city”.
The Coordinator in the Left Bloc of Beja district is the candidate Serpa Chamber, in local authority of 2017, under the motto "SERPA, TERRA amiga ".
The district council Serpa of the Left Bloc approved last day 6 June list the names of the heads of the House and the Municipal Assembly of Serpa in municipal elections 1 October 2017.
ALBERTO MATOS, 64 year old, professor, member of the National Bureau and the District Coordinator of Beja BE. Was municipal deputy in Beja (1980-1982), Almada (1994-1997) e Lisboa (1998-2001). Candidato à Presidência da República em 1996.
CARLOS VALENTE, 53 year old, technical rural development, member of the District Coordinator of the BE Beja. It was municipal agent of presidential candidates Manuel Alegre 2006 and 2011. Candidato à Assembleia da República em 2015.
The public presentation of municipal candidacy of BE in Serpa municipality will take place in 27 June, in space "We hear and read", com a presença de Catarina Martins e do cantor Francisco Fanhais. Nesta ocasião será desenvolvido o mote da candidatura “SERPA, TERRA amiga ".
Serpa were already known applications of Tomé Pires, Current mayor, CDU, Manuel Gomes, by PS and António Bettencourt, by PSD. The CDU leads in eight municipalities of the district and the PS in six.