Serpa: Activated the Civil Protection Municipal Emergency Plan.

Municipal Plan of Civil Protection Emergency Serpa, enabled to allow a quicker response in support of the people.

The Municipal Commission of Civil Protection with reduced composition, He started the Municipal Plan activation process of Emergency Civil Protection Serpa, a meeting held on 2 April, having on that date, requested the opinion of all stakeholders.

Last day 3 April, It has activated the Emergency Municipal Plan Serpa Civil Protection by the Municipal Commission of Civil Protection, with the aim of creating an even faster coordination between local bodies, so that the response to the emergency situation we live due to the pandemic Covid 19, be as fast as possible.

Activation of the Plan resulted in the creation of an Operational Coordination Center, which comprises the Mayor of Serpa (also chairman of the committee), Vice President of the Municipality of Serpa (councilor responsible for the field of civil protection), Firefighters Serpa Volunteers, GNR Serpa, the Authority Local Health and Social Security, entities involved in the responses that have to be given at this time.

The Operational Coordination Center is in constant contact and meet whenever they are registered new cases and where appropriate.

The Municipal Commission of Civil Protection activated on Friday, day 3 April, the Municipal Plan of Civil Protection Emergency Serpa.

Given the emergency situation caused by the pandemic Covid-19, and the existence of 11 cases in the municipality of Serpa, this decision is based on ensuring the performance and collaboration of the various entities involved, "Ensuring fast and efficient mobilization of resources and civil protection capabilities, thus ensuring greater efficiency in the execution of commands and procedures previously defined ".

The plan activation of the decision is up to Municipal Commission of Civil Protection, after it has been called by the Mayor, and it consists of the President of the Municipality of Serpa, Vice President of the Municipality of Serpa, the Chief Fireman Serpa Volunteers, GNR commander of Serpa, representative of the Local Health Authority, Director of Serpa Health Center, Director of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes (Beja), Director of the Central District of Beja Social Security, all President joints and county Parish Unions, among others.

This is a plan designed to address the "majority of serious accident or disaster (...) relative to the defining operation mode orientations of various organisms, services and structures to engage in civil protection operations "at the municipal level.

This document defines the organizational structure and procedures for preparation and increased responsiveness to emergency. In practice, the Municipal Emergency Plan expresses a set of measures, rules, procedures and missions, designed to cope with a serious situation, minimizing the consequences.

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