Serpa: Authority in the launch seminar FORTours project, Spain.

Vice President Carlos Alves, He represented the Municipality of Serpa, in Niebla (Huelva), the launch seminar of the project FORTours, in which part of the contract for the implementation of Serpa Clock Tower, whose works are almost completed.

At the time they were also presented other works also financed by FORTours, underway in Alentejo, Algarve and Andalucia, It is the work of the Clock Tower is the only district of Beja.

We remember that this is a project under the Interreg program V, Border as fortifications: Promotion of cross-border cultural tourism, com um valor total de apoio FEDER de 1 583 260 euros, for the three regions.

Conservation works, cleaning, Consolidation and restoration of the Clock Tower, que tiveram um custo de 138 757,25 euros, com comparticipação comunitária de 75 000 euros, They are almost completed, It is expected that this work will be completed during the month of August. It should be noted that the intervention focused on coping, ameias, belfry, spire and self-supporting walls of masonry and stone.

We recall that the Clock Tower is classified as a Public Interest Set, and in the Safeguard Plan Detail Serpa History Center, is qualified as Property Noted.

Although it is unknown the date of construction of this tower, it is known that in 1440 It was transformed into Clock Tower, It is the third oldest tower in the country. It is also known that your current watch has 128 year old.

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