Serpa: Left Bloc leads reversing Hospital management to Parliament.
The Left Bloc Parliamentary Group today presents an Assembly of the Republic, a draft resolution, in which he recommends the PS Government, the reversal of the management of Hospital de Serpa, of Mercy for Public Management, decided by the Executive of Pedro Passos Coelho.
PSD and CDS delivered numerous hospitals to Santa Casa da Misericórdia, among which is the Hospital de São Paulo, Serpa. The contestation of the populations led to a lack of public interest in these deliveries, and the reversal of the processes of hospitals in S. João da Madeira and Santo Tirso.
There was, however, three hospitals that failed to stay safe from this ideological plan: they are the hospitals of Serpa, Anadia and Fafe, delivered to private management at the end of 2014.
In the document sent to Parliament, the Left Bloc (BE) recalls that the hospital unit even made available specialist surgery consultations, medicine, orthopedics and ophthalmology, had an operating theater, drugstore, Clinical Laboratory, internment, x-ray service and transport of users for physiotherapy, providing fundamental services to the population, not only in the municipality of Serpa, but from the whole region.
However, the divestment of the past few years has resulted in constant cuts and closings of services and services. The Hospital was left without an operating room because the guardianship decided not to hire doctors to replace the two surgeons who, However, left the service.
In the same sense, the tutelage decided to transfer specialty surgery consultations to Beja, internal Medicine, orthopedics and ophthalmology; decided to close the lab, turning it into a collection point.; decided to create a small continuing care unit, with six beds, more for such, ended hospital stay; decided not to hire a radiologist for the x-ray service, reason why it became inoperable.
According to BE, the delivery of public hospitals to the private management of mercies does not safeguard the public interest nor present a financial rationale, as the Government itself recognized in the cases of Santo Tirso and São João da Madeira hospitals.
In the draft resolution, the Left Bloc Parliamentary Group proposes that the Assembly of the Republic recommend to the Government that: Develop the necessary actions to ensure the public management of Hospital de Serpa, the Hospital de Serpa recovers the valences and services that are closed and that are necessary for the population and that doctors are hired, nurses and assistants needed for the proper functioning of Hospital de Serpa.
Teixeira Correia