Serpa: Firefighters threaten not to cooperate with INEM and Civil Protection.

The League of Portuguese Firefighters said it may stop responding to requests from the Civil Protection and the INEM, if the Government does not respond “in useful time” to their claims.

jaime-marta-soares_800x800According to the News Journal (JN), The decision was taken on Saturday at a meeting of the National Council of the League of Portuguese Firefighters, held in Serpa, no Beja district, Alentejo, and which adopted a document 15 CLAIMS proposals to submit to the Government, He told Lusa the president of the institution, Jaime Marta Soares.

“always assuming the values ​​of our sacred principles, which are the defense of the lives and property of all Portuguese, and well this commitment, we can not deprive them of political power to require concrete answers, objective and conclusive tenders, whose immediate decision of the Government not abdicate”, reads the document, second said Jaime Marta Soares.

According to the official, the absence of responses “in useful time” lead to, “immediately, Portuguese firefighters do not respond to requests” the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) and the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) to integrate “various operating devices” articulated by these two institutions.

“We are not giving a deadline, but we are saying that [the answers] are not [given] in useful time, We will stop responding to requests from devices that are managed by the INEM and the ANPC”, He explained.

Jaime Marta Soares assured that firefighters “They will never stop responding to the needs and requests of the people”, but will do so with their own resources and means and “without minimally break the answers to the rescue, the demands of the people”.

“Only we will not integrated into the ANPC responsibility of devices. Also respond to distress calls by the INEM, but not with cars INEM, with vehicles of firefighters”, He explained, ensuring that this “not nip the quality of the provision of aid by the fire”, only the will within its structure.

The president of LBP said the fire will not stop out fires or “respond immediately” the demands of the people, but “They will not respond to requests from ANPC”.

“We will continue to make the same INEM transport, but our cars, and respond to emergency problems in all areas with our cars, but not under any integration or any call of ANPC”, He stressed.

The president of LBP stressed that firefighters are “the main partner” the ANPC in fighting forest fires, with 95,5% a 96% From Human Resources, equipment and vehicles in theaters, and “or principal agent” in distress in Portugal, with 98,7% From Human Resources, equipment and vehicles in operations, and, that is why, “They deserve to be respected”.

Between the 15 proposals CLAIMS, Jaime Marta Soares highlighted the “timely payment” the firefighters associations expenditure Combat device of Forest Fires (DECIF) this year and debt of about 25 million hospital, centers and local units of the National Health Service, because there are some fire associations in situation “technical bankruptcy”.

The need for the Government to rethink the DECIF of 2017 and improve the funds to be paid to firefighters under that and other special devices and “full investigation” executive on the replacement of the car lost firefighters in fighting the fires 2015 and 2016 They are also CLAIMS.

At today's meeting, the National Council scored for day 27 January 2017, Figueira da Foz, the extraordinary congress of LBP, in which they will be evaluated and voted on the revisions of the statutes and regulations fireman social protection fund and the decorations and distinctions League.

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