Serpa: Chamber advocates “urgency” to rehabilitate the Secondary School.
“It is urgent to recover the Secondary School”, is warning the public cry of the Municipality of Serpa, after the meeting, last day 18 October, with the Ministry of Education, from where he returned “no response”.
The Municipality of Serpa manifest, once again, the biggest concern at the deterioration of the Secondary School of Serpa, a problem that deserves protection by the rapid and appropriate response, the teaching conditions and why is concerned the safety of all who are in daily school.
Because the municipalities only have their own skills in pre-school buildings and 1st cycle of basic education, the Municipality of Serpa reinforces that, in this case too long, They have been many attempts to clarify the situation with the Ministry of Education, It is to mention the many meeting requests, the latter of which sent the 18 October, no response.
There is much that the problems are diagnosed and the necessary intervention was estimated by the Alentejo Regional Education Directorate of three million five hundred thousand euros. The Government proposes an investment in this school of about one million euros, through an agreement with the cymbal - Intermunicipal Community of the Lower Alentejo under Community funding, with national counterpart 15% held by the Ministry of Education and the municipality of Serpa.
Considers the municipality that this amount is clearly insufficient to respond to all school problems and that the proposal that there is a workaround, while I agree that we move immediately to the intervention, but with clear definition of future actions for full recovery of the School. It also agrees that the municipality to materialize the agreement with cymbal, with the proviso that being the responsibility of the Government School, this should take the necessary charges to its full restoration.
considers the unfortunate Serpa Municipality that the Ministry of Education has not given any response to requests made, nor any effective clarification of the problem, putting off essential interventions with consequent progressive deterioration of facilities.