Serpa: GNR is giving technical assistance to the Holy House of Mercy.

Beja Territorial Command of GNR made the donation on Technical Assistance to the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa.

gnr-material serpa_800x800In the context of the celebrations of the seventh anniversary of the Territorial Command Beja, this year were carried out a number of military oriented activities, cultural, social and religious.

Between everyone, We highlight the musical concert occurred 01 August 2016 no cineteatro municipal de Serpa, organized in partnership with the City Council of this town, which included the presence of the Band String Quartet GNR, Group Choral Songs Alentejanos GNR, Group Choir Serpa People's Home and Ranch Cantadores of Aldeia Nova de São Bento, accompanied by the artist Antonio Zambujo.

As the date is announced, the concert had a totally supportive objective, with the revenue generated in ticket office was fully donated to the Holy House of Mercy Serpa, Institution which has done excellent work in the support area of ​​our elderly.

So, GNR held in the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa, the symbolic ceremony of delivery of technical assistance support (six wheelchairs and a strain gauge device) acquired with the funds from this initiative, in which they marked attendance representatives of various institutions and organizations as well as users of this IPSS.

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