The Major Options of the Plan for the last year of the mandate and the budget for 2025 were approved at a meeting of the Municipal Assembly, realizada a 27 December 2024.
The budget of the Municipality of Serpa for the year 2025 presents a global allocation of 36.225.713 euros, more 3.682.756 euros (11,32%) than that presented in the budget proposal for 2024. It foresees current revenues in the amount of 26.790.113 € and capital income from 9.435.600 euros, a current expense of 26.240.113 euros and capital expenditure worth 9.985.600 euros.
The Activity Plan 2025, of continuity, similar to the previous, focuses on three major strategic axes: quality of life and social and territorial cohesion, strong municipal identity and management at the service of the population, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the population and promoting the sustainable development of the municipality.
The defined priorities include the valorization of all locations, improving the conditions of public spaces and equipment, the requalification of the road network, improving urban mobility, optimizing waste management, water and basic sanitation, the promotion of cultural and nature tourism, to patrimonial safeguard, the promotion of quality endogenous and traditional products, as well as local culture and traditions.
The review of the Detail and Safeguard Plan for the Historic Center of Serpa and REN – National Ecological Reserve, the creation of new lots for housing, the requalification of the Serpa Secondary School and the project to improve the energy efficiency of the Serpa Agro-food Industrial Zone are also highlighted in these Major Options of the Plan, inserted in broad contexts of continuous improvement in the environmental sustainability sectors, education, of social action and the economy.
The defense of essential public services and central policies that promote development, particularly in terms of health, of education and justice is also included in this Plan, such as increasing the financial capacity of local authorities, with a view to contributing to providing the municipality with better conditions for residents and creating greater attractiveness, leading to the attraction of new inhabitants and the retention of people.
Source: Municipality of Serpa