Serpa: Municipality met with the Ministry of Education on school rehabilitation.

The rehabilitation of the Secondary School of Serpa, led to the Municipality kept up a meeting with the Ministry of Education (ME). In the next months, ME has undertaken to present the rehabilitation project of the establishment.

Following the meeting requests from the Municipality of Serpa, made in the days 1 and 12 October, It took place last Tuesday, day 23 October, a meeting with US Secretary of State Assistant and Education, Alexandra Leitão, to address issues related to the High School of Serpa.

this meeting, the Ministry of Education has undertaken to present, In the next months, school rehabilitation project.

The Municipality of Serpa will await the fulfillment of this step more, for later, together with the Ministry of Education, analyze the partnership agreement that gives continuity to the whole process that aims at upgrading this equipment.

Note that this educational institution is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education.

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