Serpa: Council asks the Ministry of Agriculture to take action on cultures.

Municipality calls for measures to the Ministry of Agriculture, on intensive and super intensive monocultures, which are proliferating in the county.

The Municipality of Serpa has called for the Ministry of Agriculture several meetings schedules in order to forward this entity all existing concerns about the proliferation of new crops intensively and super intensive in the county, possibly without the proper monitoring of the competent authorities.

The main concern, already forwarded to the ministry, It is the environmental forum. The Municipality of Serpa advocates the creation of a monitoring system with environmental indicators, demographic and socio-economic and mitigation of environmental impacts, to public health, believing that protective measures should be taken, with the locations and cultures farms with organic farming.

In February 2018, the Municipal Assembly of Serpa, adopted a motion on monocultures, it is highlighted the concern for the impact that these practices may have on the "deterioration of the soil, from water, in animals, in short the ecosystem ".

judicial decision latch extended culture in Brinches

Last May, Juízo de Competência Genérica (Court) Serpa condemned an agricultural company operating a rustic building in the town of Brinches, a “refrain from initiating the use of agricultural and industrial machinery in moving land, while not requiring them and granted the license request the work”.

The decision was taken, after the presentation of an injunction presented by prosecutors (MP) Beja, designed to "curb the use of agricultural and industrial machinery in moving land, without prior authorization and monitoring ".

The complaint reached the MP made by the Regional Directorate of Culture Alentejo (DRCA), e a aceitação da providência cautelar obrigou a que todos os trabalhos fossem suspensos até à intervenção e parecer da DRCA e caso os proprietários da sociedade agrícola não respeitassem a decisão, incurred a crime of disobedience.

Teixeira Correia


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