Serpa: Mayor met with school on Education of Secretary of State.

The Mayor, Tomé Pires, He met with US Secretary of State Assistant and Education, on the upgrading of the Secondary School of Serpa.

The serpense authority revealed that as a result of the various steps and meeting requests made in the year 2017, President of the Municipality of Serpa met on Wednesday at the Ministry of Education in Lisbon, with Assistant Secretary and Education, Alexandra Leitão.

The meeting was intended to make a status report and reinforce the urgent need for rehabilitation of the Secondary School of Serpa, although also it has been again made the alert for intervention needs in the School EB 2,3 Vila Nova de S. Bento

The meeting resulted in scheduling a visit, next week, the Secondary School of Serpa by experts from the Ministry of Education, to collect the necessary information for the preparation of Reference Functional Program, essential element for the development of the rehabilitation process.

It is recalled that this issue has been a lot of attention by the municipality, since the situation of the Secondary School of Serpa originates security problems and deterioration of teaching conditions and that the intervention is urgent and absolutely urgent by the Ministry of Education, entity that has sole responsibility for this equipment.

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