Serpa: He drew fire to the house to kill his son. It will be tried for attempted murder

Francisco Pateira, 59 year old, born in Vila Nova de São Bento, Serpa county, It begins today to be tried in the Criminal Court of Beja, five crimes, one of which degree murder, the attempted form, for having set fire to the house, with the intention of killing son.

The man wanted to take revenge on his descendant, Nuno Pateira, of 27 year old, the fact that it held by his brother's car key, absent working in Switzerland, and not allow the father utilizasse, without authorization from the owner.

After several threats to women, which was the subject of domestic violence, that was killing her and pulled the fire house, on 18 June last year, Francisco, heaped sofas, tables and chairs, next to her son's room and when it denied him the car keys and was gathered in the room, watered furniture with gasoline and set it on fire.

The smoke and the smell of burning warned the boy, that despite the burns he suffered, He managed to leave the room and asked neighbors to help to extinguish flames, while they are waiting to reach the Serpa fire.

Unfulfilled, Francisco Pateira, placed in front of the house, armed with a kitchen knife about 10 blade cm, trying to prevent popular and firefighters from entering the housing. The defendant was further in its aggressive attitudes, to be barred by the military GNR entering the house, He threw himself to the guards, eventually tear the shirt one.

Given its procedure Francisco, the fire consumed the entire inside of the dwelling with his wife compartia, Catherine, of 57 year old, and it caused a loss which was around 15.000 euros. Besides arsonist, the woman, son and a popular, who helped in the rescue operations, suffered injuries, having been driven to the Beja Hospital.

Catherine was the subject of domestic violence for many years, having been assaulted several times by her husband and threatened with death. "Rego you with gasoline and pull you fire or run over you with the car", barked the man. The presence and the attitude of son, It was preventing the man had earlier realized their intentions.

In addition to the offense of aggravated homicide, the attempted form, Francisco Pateira is still accused of fire, domestic violence, resistance and constraint on employee and qualified disobedience.

The individual awaiting trial in custody in Prison Beja.

Teixeira Correia


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