Serpa: Hospital emergency Saturday stopped working during 24 hours. Sunday, back to work.
“What was true yesterday, today is a lie”, a maximum of Portuguese football that can be applied to the operation of the Emergency Department of the Hospital São Paulo, Serpa. On Saturday afternoon it stopped working during 24 hours, Sunday already back to not shut down.
Via email, the District Command Relief Operations / CDOS) communicated to, based on an information of the Santa Casa da Misericordia Serpa (SCMS), I did know on Saturday that "from 00.00 horas do dia 16 October, the Emergency Service of São Paulo, Serpa, now operates in the following schedule: 08,00 am to 24,00 hours".
On the facebook page, SCMS published a statement to the Serpa county population (you can read in full at the end of the news), where I realized that determination because the same “brings unbearable costs ". Yesterday afternoon the CDOS would send new email, where he realized that the previous communication “the same has no effect, continuing the ER running 24 hours per day”.
Despite the communication CDOS, that does not cite any institution, on the facebook page of the Holy House, there is no reference to disprove the closure that makes the statement issued 24 hours before. Also the page of the Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA), there is no reference to the situation in question.
Or blog SerpaAlentejo (here), He quoted the Drº António Sargento, Administrative bureau member of the Merciful Serpa, that on their facebook page, which he stated that the Emergency Department of the São Paulo Hospital kept all services 24 hours. “The population of this municipality must have to have an emergency service 24 hours….today I'm going to my bed happy to know that it was worth it…I go to my bed happy because I know that during the night the Hospital of St. Paul's doors are open to serve one,two or all in need of medical care and clinical…”, citámos.
It is recalled that the Hospital de São Paulo, Serpa, It is managed from 1 January 2015, the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa (SCMS), and at issue is the complaint of the hospital's management contract that integrates the network of the National Health Service, that by the end of this year will return to ULSBA.
In a statement to the Serpa county population, publicado na página de facebook da SCMS, it is stated that "the maintenance of this service 24 hours, brings unbearable costs ", adding that the institution "only receive matching state funds to acts practiced clinical", shooting the rest is done on its own, "With heavy losses", justify.
No document, Ombudsman of the Holy House, maintains that "in this situation, which may call into question the sustainability of own Mercy ", Administrative Bureau "decided to terminate the cooperation agreement", taking in early June 2017, sent a letter to the Ministry of Health, which justifies the act "for breach of the partners", ULSBA, Regional Health Authority (ARS) and Ministry.
The SCMS adds that "made available" to find partnership solutions with ULSBA, by that "agreement between the two institutions in the same begins 15 October, "ceasing, that date the provision of emergency room, as defined in the Cooperation Agreement, with the amendment of working hours ", that second or CDOS, will be among 8 e as 24 hours.
In a statement addressed to the population, the Administrative Board of the Santa Casa, justice "diligenciou with partners", Serpa House, Parish Councils, political forces represented in the county, which accuses him of "did little or nothing to support and or reverse the situation", justifying the existence of some "counter-information", who created, even "more instability, contributing to derail the continuation of the project ", Remata.
Alongside the Hospital of Sao Paulo, SCMS holds the management of a Home, Home Support Service, two Continuing Care Units (medium and long) the equipment Lady of Guadalupe and two units (Convalescence and Palliative) working on the 1st floor of the hospital building.
Teixeira Correia
The population…
The Holy House of Mercy Serpa accepted the management of the S Hospital. Paulo, based on a cooperation agreement signed with the State, in 14/11/2014.
The basis for this decision was the best of concern serve the population of the municipality of Serpa, in an attempt to re-qualify spaces and equipment and recover services in this hospital, from 2006, they had come, little by little, being moved to the Beja Hospital, encontrando-se o Hospital de S. Paul practically disabled.
The St. Paul's Hospital is part of the network of the National Health Service, continuing users to enjoy the same rights and privileges.
The assistance program provided for in this Agreement based on three pillars:
1- 24 emergency-service;
2-Consultations in various specialties (cardiology, physiatry, ophthalmology, dermatology and orthopedics), in total 9300 queries / year;
3- Surgery Clinic, generated by queries of ophthalmology specialties, orthopedics and dermatology.
The Holy House of Mercy Serpa, using own resources, rehabilitated part of the building, equipped / created spaces and offices (waiting room, medical cabinets, working office of the multidisciplinary team of UCC'S, physiotherapy room for Unity users, assisted bath, office collection analysis, room conventional rx, sonogram and Tac, and the computer system support) contratualizou and medical specialists, order to comply with the Agreement concluded.
Over the nearly three years, only developed emergency service activity, 24 with the cover / day, plus conventional rx and analysis, whose costs are borne by Mercy.
The maintenance of this service 24 / h entails unbearable costs, as the Holy House only receives state funds corresponding to clinical acts, and the remaining investment on their own, with heavy losses.
The planned activity in points 2 and 3 - specialty consultations and surgeries, it depends on the sending of patients, by family doctors (clear evidence that the welfare program of S. Paul is the public sphere, in other words, do SNS), Did not happen, making insustentávl the project in question.
To illustrate occurred since 01 January 2015, discloses the care movement held in specialty consultations, against the forecast in Agreement:
Year: 2015, Envisaged consultations: 9.300, consultations: 0
Year: 2016, Envisaged consultations: 9.300, consultations: 74
Year: 2017, Envisaged consultations: 9.300, consultations: 58
Total: Envisaged consultations: 27.900, consultations: 132
The Administrative Board of the Santa Casa, over this period, diligenciou with partners, the local authority, the presidents of the Parish Councils and, to, the political forces represented in the municipality of Serpa, that did little or nothing to support and or reverse the situation. On the contrary, serving some counterintelligence, not enlightening the population, created, yet, further instability, contributing to derail the continuity of this project.
Considering this situation, which may call into question the sustainability of own Mercy, which currently owns, a par do Hospital de S. Paul the management of a Home, the Home Support Service, two Continuing Care Units (Middle and Long) in Mrs. Equipment. Guadalupe and two units (Convalescence and Palliative) working on the 1st floor of the building S. Paulo, Administrative Bureau decided to terminate the cooperation agreement in early June 2017, in a letter to Mr. Health Minister, By default by partners.
In subsequent negotiations reinforced this Agreement termination decision with the ULSBA / ARS and the Ministry of Health.
Yet, Holy House, not losing sight of its mission to serve and, keeping their own dynamics, provided to find solutions partnership with ULSBA, either temporary, by the end of this year, to minimize the impact of this situation in the population.
By agreement between these entities begins this partnership, a partir de 15 October, ceasing, in this date, the provision of Emergency Services as defined in the Cooperation Agreement, with the amendment of operating hours.
The Santa Casa is committed to keeping the management of the two Continuing Care Units (The. Convalescent and U. Respite) working on the 1st floor of the building, not jeopardizing the jobs of employees who provide them service.
A Administrative Bureau