Serpa: Vandalized chapel of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The Heritage Department Historical and Artistic Diocese (DPHAD) Beja, It went public to account for the vandalizing of ornamental walls and structures of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Serpa.

serpa-ermida-guadalupe_800x800Regarded as one of the artistic treasures of the city Alentejo, situated on the hill of Saint Gens, known as "Altinho", It was targeted by unknown, the destruction of the church Nardo, dating from the second half of the eighteenth century.

DPHAD the source of Beja, explained that "the losses, evaluated thousands of euros, It is not easy retrieval ", justified.

The facts now revealed by Diocese, occurred during the month of September, and according to the DPHAD Beja, It has been "claimed to the authorities, greater attention ", such as in public buildings, for churches "is the subject of a more effective monitoring", Remata. In the air was the question: "Will need to appeal to people's vigilance so that the religious heritage can survive ?"

Has learned the Lidador News (LN) next supply Territorial Command of the GNR Beja, "Serpa in office was made aware of the situation, the local priest, and justifying not wish to present formal complaint or criminal proceedings ", adding to our source that "GNR tilled occurrence of self to the public prosecutor", knowing if "there is some research on the ground", concluded.

Finally the diocese recalls that the year 2016 "It has not been favorable with regard to the conservation of sacred art of Alentejo", recalling the wave of robberies in the summer "swept twelve parishes of the region", with particular emphasis on actions in AlmodĂ´var, Castro Verde, MĂ©rtola, Odemira and Ourique, beyond the Carmo Church, in Beja.

Despite concerns that it deserves, the Beja Diocese and the new bishop, "There are signs of confidence in the future", namely n cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the municipalities of Baixo Alentejo.

Teixeira Correia


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