Seville: Book Fair-IV Iberian Meeting Saramago Readers.

No Saturday 25 May will be held, the Consulate General of Portugal in Seville, the IV Iberian Meeting Saramago Readers. The organization is the Municipality of Beja, through its Municipal Library.

This initiative is part of the program of the Book Fair in Seville 2019 (FLS), where Portugal is the guest country.

These meetings take place every year since 2016, in many libraries and public spaces Portugal and Spain.

Admission is free and is open to male and female readers of the work of José Saramago – Nobel Prize Literature her 1998.

The organization is the Municipality of Beja, through its Municipal Library, which has the name of José Saramago from 1998, in collaboration with the project Aula Saramago, with the support of Saramago Foundation, and this issue has the support of the Consulate General of Portugal in Seville and the Book Fair in Seville 2019.

José Saramago: “It would be perfect can gather in one place, without differences of countries, races, creeds and languages, all who read me, and spend the rest of my days talking with them.”

12h00-14h00: Welcome by the Consul General of Portugal, Dr. João Queirós, Opening of the meeting by Pilar del Río, President José Saramago Foundation.
Project presentation “Iberian Meeting of readers Saramago”, by Paula Santos (Municipal Library of Beja José Saramago)
Presentation Diego Mesa – “José Saramago – Citizen and committed writer”
Participation of male and female readers. and public intervention.
16h30- 18h30: Participation of male and female readers and public intervention and Closing.

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