Alcaria Ruiva / Mértola: One dead, two injured in screening. Mature mother and driver.
A woman died, 83 year old, Conductor mother, 65 year old, that was transported in very serious condition to the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon and slightly injured, the wife of the latter, transferred to the Hospital of Faro, It was the result of a violent screening.
Alcaria Ruiva / Mértola: Accident causes one dead and two injured.
An elderly 83 years died and two others were injured, one of them in serious condition, the screening of a car, occurred, Tuesday, in the Mértola municipality, Beja, announced the firemen and the GNR.
Beja: Driver tried for negligent homicide, in accident with fatality.
The driver of a vehicle involved in screening, It will be tried for negligent homicide. Young 22 year old, João Belém, He died in the crash in EN 260, about what 3 kilometers Baleizão.
Baleizão (Beja): Collision of two vehicles is one dead and six wounded.
a dead, one seriously injured and five minor injuries were the result of a collision between two passenger cars which took place yesterday at the intersection of North Baleizão output, county Beja.
Beja: LuÃs Cruz, former bullfighting rider killed by tractor loader.
The former rider and current manager bullfighting industry and agriculture, She died yesterday morning in Mars Homestead, in Valley Rossins, parish Salvada (Beja) following an accident involving a tractor.