Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Facebook, YouTube and eSports na agenda.
A group of researchers from Brigham Young University concluded that there are four kinds of people in Facebook.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): Brands, Video sharing, of pictures, etc.
Do you know which are the most valuable brands in the world? We know and share with you!
Telechronics (Opinion Ademar Dias): decades of traditions will be changed and is a rumor in the air.
More than 20 years later Google will change your home page.
TECNOCRÓNICA view Ademar Days): Facebook and Netflix with good records, but there are series and movie.
In the past 17 July celebrated the Day and Emoji, to mark the date, Facebook shared some data on the use of these symbols not only in your social network as well as the application of Messenger messages.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): digital surveillance, gaming, many views and apes.
If one of those who fear your digital footprint, those who do not like others to know where to browse, what research, etc, these next lines are for you.