Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): photo subjects, site for learning, curious pattern and consoles.
A study on the Portuguese habits shows that the smartphone is virtually tied with the machine's time to choose the best device to take photos.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): data, more data and some funny things.
App Annie data indicate that, last year, They were discharged over 90 billion apps for Android and iOS official stores. On the other hand, the time spent by users with these apps has also grown in recent years.
Telechronics(Ademar Days of opinion): crimes online, utilities for the car and PC ....
Between 2013 and 2016, online crimes recorded by most European companies, Middle East and Africa were extortion and theft of confidential data.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): computers, music, video and the galaxy in danger.
For the curious or for professionals in the technology industry there is now a digital museum that brings together the first part of the modern history of computers.
Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): personalities on social networks and more.
Social networks are an increasingly extended phenomenon. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin are only the most famous examples.