Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): mobile phones, smartphones, mobile devices and anything.

Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): mobile phones, smartphones, mobile devices and anything.

After all, mobile devices also improve the productivity and creativity of workers.

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Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): financial cyber attacks and many new features.

Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): financial cyber attacks and many new features.

A study by Kaspersky Lab says that financial malware is growing and that "one in five PC users has been the victim of at least one online attack".

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Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): many data, apps, rankings e retro.

Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): many data, apps, rankings e retro.

According to Facebook itself, There every month 60 million active small business pages on social network, this in a universe 1,1 billion daily users.

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Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): photographic statistics, more consoles and ... action

Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): photographic statistics, more consoles and ... action

Each photo guard what is called metadata and includes, for example, the model and make of camera, the image of the technical definitions, the date and time, among other things.

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Telechronics (Ademer Days View): retro news, Emmys and ... football!!!

Telechronics (Ademer Days View): retro news, Emmys and ... football!!!

O número de utilizadores do mais recente sistema operativo da Microsoft não pára de aumentar, when it is almost over the period of free installation. And the 29 Of this month. Ademar Dias Jornalista Rádio Horizonte Algarve/ Tavira Segundo dados obtidos através do serviço StatCounter, 40,97% computer users in Portugal already have Windows 10 installed. O Windows 7 It is the second most used operating system for the same period, with a "slice" of 27% the same universe. Official figures point to use 350 million globally computers with Windows 10 installed and anything like 135 billion hours of use, with "the best satisfaction rates ever", Microsoft said recently, in a statement. However, is the new promise on the anniversary update, scheduled for the next day 2 August. O Netflix apresentou recentemente o Flixtape, a tool that allows users to create and share playlists with titles available in streaming service. So far, the platform only allowed subscribers would create a list with your favorite titles or to be seen later. With Flixtape, You can draw multiple playlists and also receive service tips. Playlists can contain up to six titles and bring pictures, a short summary and a link to view the content on Netflix. The service, available in English only, pode ser acedido em A Nintendo anunciou o regresso da sua consola de 8-bit, a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), for the day 11 de Novembro Este modelo, designado Nintendo Classic Mini, It has the same original aspect but smaller and without entry to the traditional cartridges. The console can be connected to any TV via HDMI and despite being an independent device, It has the ability to connect to the Internet, and as such, You will not be able to download additional game. Besides, also has no entry for physical medium. A console, which has 30 Preinstalled classic games and a command (compatible with games of Virtual Console Wii and Wii U), costs 59,99 dollars. An additional control may be acquired by 10 dollars. Em euros, the console should come to be sold at a similar value. This is the list of games: Balloon Fight, Bubble Bobble, Castlevania, Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Dr. Mario, Excitebike, Final Fantasy, Galaga, Ghosts`N Goblins, Gradius, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Kirby’s Adventure, Mario Bros., Mega Man 2, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden, Pac-Man, Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream, StarTropics, Super C, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario...

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