Tourism: Regional Entity delivery Awards Alentejo Tourism 2015. winning Islamic Festival.
O Festival Islâmico de Mértola foi distinguido com o prémio Melhor Evento do Alentejo, juntamente com as Festas do Povo de Campo Maior. O anúncio e entrega de prémios ocorreu ontem no Centro de Artes de Sines.
Beja: Stage of Volta ao Alentejo ends in the city on 18 (Friday). There will be restrictions on the movement in some arteries.
A 34ª edição da Volta ao Alentejo em Bicicleta regressa este ano à cidade de Beja, onde finaliza a 3ª etapa, que ligará Portel à cidade de Beja, an extension of 186,6 Km.
Back to Alentejo: “Alentejo” It was presented today. Home Portalegre and end in Évora. Beja receiving end of the 3rd stage.
It was presented this afternoon in Évora, 34th Volta ao Alentejo in Bicycle, proof will be on the road between 16 and 20 March, starting in Portalegre and end in Évora, the magnificent Praça do Giraldo. Organization celebrates this issue the "Heritage".
Portugal: Unemployment rises to 12,2% no 4th quarter 2015. In Alentejo the rate is 13,3%.
The unemployment rate rose 0,3 percentage points 12,2% in the fourth quarter 2015 from the previous, but the average annual rate fell 1,5 percentage points last year compared to 2014, to 12,4%.
Beja: ASSESTA-Alentejo Association of Writers presents on 23 January.
A Biblioteca Municipal de Beja – José Saramago, receives the next day 23 January 2016, by 16 hours, a apresentação pública e oficial da ASSESTA – Associação de Escritores do Alentejo.