Turismo do Alentejo / Ribatejo: Launched the Guide Accessibility Technical Tourism Destination
A Entidade Regional de Turismo lançou ontem o Guia Técnico de Acessibilidade do Destino TurÃstico, um manual cuja edição está integrada no “Alentejo / Ribatejo 4Allâ€, um projeto que visa tornar o território acessÃvel a todos os turistas e visitantes.
Weatherman: Time will change from Sunday. Take the boots ded rubber cabinet.
The weather will change from today, day is expected periods of persistent rain throughout the country, strong wind and temperature from subida mÃnima, second released meteorologists.
Alentejo: Hot Air Balloon Festival, of 7 a 15 November.
The 19th edition of the Hot Air Balloon Festival, will take place between 7 and 15 November, in Alter do Chão municipalities, Border and Monforte.
Alentejo: Presented district of Beja the Restaurant Guide Certificates.
Restaurant guide certificates, a tool for the "good forks" of the world, It was presented yesterday in the district of Beja. The Alentejo Tourism in Vila Gale finished a round of eleven presentations in the region.
Gastronomy: Regional Tourism Authority launches today in the district “Restaurant Guide Alentejo Certificates”.
The Regional Entity of Tourism today launched district of Beja, the "Guide to Restaurants Alentejo Certificates", the launch has been done in a phased manner, ending today in the region.