Tourism: Alentejo entity / Ribatejo has Roadmaps "From the Earth to Table".

Tourism: Alentejo entity / Ribatejo has Roadmaps "From the Earth to Table".

The food and wine itineraries "From the Earth to Table" - two guides, inserted in the product development pipeline gastronomy and wines, allow users to discover the Alentejo and Ribatejo through visitation about 160 producers - will be launched this week by ERT in Cartaxo, Alter do Chão, Alvito and Grândola.

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Institute of Atmosphere: NOTICE … Prepare-se. There comes heat… very hot.

Institute of Atmosphere: NOTICE … Prepare-se. There comes heat… very hot.

Beja can reach tomorrow 35 and on Thursday the 38 Celsius. Temperatures will rise by five degrees Celsius on Wednesday, according to forecasts of the Sea Portuguese Institute and the Atmosphere (IPMA), which put the Evora districts, Setúbal, Beja and Portalegre under yellow warning due to heat.

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Beja: Map of transgenic cornfields published on the Internet.

Beja: Map of transgenic cornfields published on the Internet.

The location of the fields where GM maize is grown in Portugal is available on the Internet since yesterday. The Transgenic Platform Outside yesterday released the map with the identification and location of GM maize fields cultivated in Portugal.

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TAFBeja: He upheld the Ourique House in Road action

TAFBeja: He upheld the Ourique House in Road action

Ourique Chamber rescinded in 2013 the school transport contract with Road Alentejo. The carrier appealed to the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Beja that gave reason to the municipality of Ourique.

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Montemor-o-Novo: 1Th Congress of Folklore and Ethnography of Alentejo performs-

Montemor-o-Novo: 1Th Congress of Folklore and Ethnography of Alentejo performs-

The Portuguese Folklore Federation and its Regional Technical Council, promoted today at the Almeida Faria Municipal Library, in Montemor-o.Novo, the 1st Congress of Folklore and Ethnography of Alentejo, which is intended to be a landmark day for the ethno-folkloric movement of Alentejo and consequently the country.

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