Around the Alentejo Bike: Of a death foretold, the desired resurrection.
In 25 January 2010, the Association of Évora District Municipalities (AMDE) announced the suspension of "Alentejo", was”Death Foretold”. It was an expected decision. At great cost, "Respond" weak advertising revenue and short contributions of municipalities, but the big "financial effort" was made by AMDE, the organizer of the Tour to the Alentejo. The 27th edition of "Alentejo" had a cost of 323.792,55 euros and revenue 114.500,00 euros, which amounted to a negative balance 209.292,55 euros that came out of the associative safes. The resulting policy changes of the municipal 2009, let see huge changes and on 25 January, appears less desired news: "A political decision, taken last night by the Association of Évora District Municipalities (AMDE), organizer of the Tour to the Alentejo Bike, is in the running of the suspension of origin 2010, just over two months the 28th edition go on the road between 7 and 11 April ". One that is by all as "the greatest sporting initiative of Alentejo", ia disappear. From all sides came words of people connected to the sport they considered to be "a big blow in the form and proof", arguing that it "hardly would return" in 2011. Artur Lopes, then president of the Portuguese Cycling Federation, said it was "a blow, where there was "lack of political will". Joaquim Gomes, Technical Director of PAD, now Podium Events and winner of the Tour of the Alentejo 1988 advocated ending "a charismatic proof". Marco Chagas, commentator of RTP and winner of the "Alentejo" in 1984, held to be "a blow" and considered the evidence as "the reference race" in Portuguese cycling. But when all seemed lost and the "Alentejo" would disappear, behold Joaquim Gomes and DBP, play the decisive trump card. Taking advantage of a vague date in the company's timetable for a four-day international event to be held in June, with the agreement of AMDB and the collaboration of Alfredo Barroso and Jorge Nunes and Agricultural Credit of Riviera, Volta "reborn" on the roads of the Alentejo. Two years ago sponsored by Liberty Seguros, the "Alentejo" back to grow from year to year and the return to category 2.1 can be a reality for years to come and the tradition will remain this year: "A new winner in 2015". The 33rd Around the Alentejo / Liberty Seguros was presented last day 19 March, in the Auditorium of the Municipal Library of Reguengos de Monsaraz, will be on the roads in the region, and goes on the road between 25 and 29 March, five steps, in total ...
Back Alentejo / Liberty Seguros: Lieutenant Afonso commands transit posting.
The commander of the Traffic Detachment of the GNR Beja, Lieutenant Nuno Afonso, is responsible for security in the "Alentejo".
33ª Volta Alentejo / Liberty Seguros presented in Reguengos de Monsaraz
Before departure a certainty exists in Around the Alentejo / Liberty Seguros: whatever the winner 2015, remains tradition: 33 turns, 33 winners.
Around the Alentejo / Liberty Seguros: Presentation today in Reguengos de Monsaraz
The 33rd Around the Alentejo / Liberty Seguros will be presented today at 11,30 hours, in the Auditorium of the Municipal Library of Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Around the Alentejo / Liberty Seguros: Joaquim Gomes presents the race
Of 25 a 29 March, the 33rd Around the Alentejo Liberty Seguros will color the roads and the heart of the Alentejo, a jointly organized by the Inter-CIMAC Community of Central Alentejo and the Podium.