River Mills / Aljustrel: ULSBA awarded work for the construction of the Health Extension.
After the launch of the public tender for the construction of the Rio de Moinhos Health Extension, the Municipality of Aljustrel was informed that the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA) already awarded the work.
Local 21: In Aljustrel PS accuses CDU of lack of "rigor and transparency".
In a statement to the PS Aljustrel Council Political Commission, accuses the CDU of lack of "rigor and transparency" in the parity of the lists for the Municipal Assembly.
Aljustrel: Loader connected to the county's water supply network.
The village of the Carrier passed, since yesterday, to be supplied through a pipeline, that was built, between the Aljustrel supply network and a reservoir erected in this location.
Aljustrel: Pre-trial detention for drug trafficking.
The detainee has already served 8 years in prison for the same type of crime. He was present to a judge at the Court of Ourique and was held in preventive detention in the Prison of Beja.
Aljustrel: Municipality submitted proposals Guide to the Mines Route.
The City Council of Aljustrel saw proposals included in the new Guide to Educational Services for the Route of Mines and Points of Interest in Mining and Geology in Portugal.