Alqueva: Signing of the construction contract for the hydraulic circuit of Monte da Rocha and Messejana Irrigation Block.

Alqueva: Signing of the construction contract for the hydraulic circuit of Monte da Rocha and Messejana Irrigation Block.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Maria do Céu Antunes, and the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Gonçalo Rodrigues, visit the Alqueva Observation and Command Post.

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Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro receives more than 650 visitors in the first month of operation.

Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro receives more than 650 visitors in the first month of operation.

The new Aljustrel Mining Park (Beja), opened to 04 December 2023, received visits from more than 650 people in the first month of operation, announced the City Council.

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Aljustrel: Relationship refuses to release ex-wife

Aljustrel: Relationship refuses to release ex-wife's attacker and her partner.

He broke down the door of the house and attacked his ex-wife and her partner in front of her minor children and wants the TRE to release him from the preventive detention to which he is subject. The Public Ministry of Ourique is against it because it fears that the attacker could kill the victim.

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Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro opened to the public on Santa Bárbara Day, patron saint of miners.

Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro opened to the public on Santa Bárbara Day, patron saint of miners.

The new Aljustrel Mining Park, opened this Monday, after an investment of almost six million euros from the city council, which represents a “turning point” in the municipality’s tourist attractiveness.

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Aljustrel and AlmodĂ´var: Five arrested for drug trafficking. Two in pre-trial detention.

Aljustrel and AlmodĂ´var: Five arrested for drug trafficking. Two in pre-trial detention.

The Territorial Command Beja, through the Criminal Investigation Nucleus (NIC) of Almodovar, us day 6 and 7 November, arrested four men and a woman, aged between 40 and 55 year old, for drug trafficking, in the municipalities of Aljustrel and AlmodĂ´var.

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