Almodovar: Recovered stolen goods in establishments and residence.
The GNR of Almodovar recovered several stolen goods in establishments and residence.
Almodovar: bus driver who went off the A2 sentenced to probation.
Three years and 10 months in prison, suspended, for bus driver which killed three A2.
Almodovar: Village will have a mega water slide in summer, in late July.
Almodovar will receive at the end of July the “Water Slide Festival”. It is a summer event from 2015 He has toured five Portuguese cities and received over 35 thousand, returns this summer to various locations.
Almodovar: "Mechanical failure" said in court the driver of the bus that killed three A2.
Joaquim Oliveira de Matos, of 53 year old, bus driver, where three people died in an accident on the A2, near Almodovar, He defended the Court of Beja and "has faults", with the argument of "mechanical failure", I did not know materialize.
Beja: Home bus driver's trial in which three people died on the A2.
It begins today at the Criminal Court of Beja, the driver's judgment of the bus that crashed and overturned, in June 2015, na A2, next to Almodovar service area, which caused three dead and seven seriously injured.