Almodovar: done deal. António Sebastião is the PSD candidate to the municipality.

Almodovar: done deal. António Sebastião is the PSD candidate to the municipality.

António Sebastião is the Social Democratic Party candidate to the House of Almodovar, in local authority of 1 October. It is closed the deal between the PSD and the IPA. Lack confirmation of the National Policy Committee. Ricardo Colaço and Sílvia Batista, They are the following members list.

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Minerals: Company wants to do exploration in two areas in the Alentejo and Algarve.

Minerals: Company wants to do exploration in two areas in the Alentejo and Algarve.

The company Ozdogu Portugal Mining and Exploration Ltd. asked the Portuguese State the granting of exploration rights and research deposits of various minerals, as copper, silver and gold, in two areas in the Alentejo and Algarve.

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Almodovar: Section assembly PSD analyzes local government according to Independent.

Almodovar: Section assembly PSD analyzes local government according to Independent.

The Almodovar Section of Assembly of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) no meets next day 18 April, According to analyze municipal independent.

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PSD: Pinela Fernandes candidate in Beja, In Ourique returns the “right arm” Jose Raul dos Santos.

PSD: Pinela Fernandes candidate in Beja, In Ourique returns the “right arm” Jose Raul dos Santos.

Gathered Tuesday at the national PSD headquarters, the National Policy Committee (CPN) approved a new set of applications for local elections 2017. District of Beja are known five of the fourteen candidates.

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Ourique: "Orange Fire" in choosing PSD list of head.

Ourique: "Orange Fire" in choosing PSD list of head.

Maria Inês Guerreiro, It was chosen last Friday in Concelhia Ourique to be the head of the list in the next municipal by PSD. The presence of two "factions" led to a "war without mercy".

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