Almodovar: One dead, four injured in screening A2.
One person died and four others were, this Sunday, wounds due to slight vehicle of screening passengers who followed, Highway in South (A2), in the municipality of Almodovar, reported firefighters.
Almodovar: Incendiary judged today before the Court of Beja.
Jacinto Guerreiro, of 38 year old, começa hoje a ser julgado no Tribunal de Beja acusado de quatro rimes de incêndio, ateados entre junho e agosto de 2013, ao que tudo indica por vingança contra um agricultor seu vizinho.
Almodovar: Works summits of Avison, Avondano and GarcĂa Fajer in the parish church.
Uma trilogia mágica abre, pela mĂŁo da Orquestra Barroca Divino Sospiro, novo capĂtulo do Festival Terras sem Sombra.
Almodovar: Camera closes year 2015 no debt.
The Municipality of Almodovar, through a controlled management and effort daily to avoid any kind of despesismos, He ended the year 2015 without any current debt to suppliers.
accident: In 2015, there was 35 killed in Beja district roads.
In 2015 the National Road Safety Authority (Mor) registered in the Beja district roads, 35 dead. Only in two accidents, in Ourique and Castro Verde, died 8 people. In 19 June, or oversight by a bus on the A2, near Almodovar, caused 3 dead and 22 of September, in Castro Verde, the clash of two light with a cart brought four dead, one baby would later die in hospital.