Almodovar: Authority supports students in the acquisition of school supplies.

Almodovar: Authority supports students in the acquisition of school supplies.

The Municipality of Almodovar will support families in the county with regard to the purchase of school supplies for the next school year 2015/2016.

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Mértola: GNR arrested individual, seizes weapons, Hunter cards and illegally slaughtered poultry.

Mértola: GNR arrested individual, seizes weapons, Hunter cards and illegally slaughtered poultry.

During Operation Artemis 2015, the Territorial Detachment of Almodovar held in concelhgo Mértola, an inspection operation on the hunt for activity and related materials. The operation resulted in the arrest of an individual, the crime against the protection of fauna and game species seized two shotguns and two hunter hunting licenses.

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Almodovar: GNR arrested individual for drug trafficking.

Almodovar: GNR arrested individual for drug trafficking.

The GNR arrested in Almodovar on Friday night, an individual 51 year old, Hair crime of drug trafficking, having in his possession 40 doses of heroin. It was constituted defendant and left in freedom.

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Almodovar: Mariana moldboard, Left Block, The FACAL.

Almodovar: Mariana moldboard, Left Block, The FACAL.

The Member of the Left Bloc, List head for Beja in the next Legislative, Visita a FACAL – Almodovar next Saturday, 11 July.

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Castro Verde: Detained individual 29 year old, with 10 acorns of hashish.

Castro Verde: Detained individual 29 year old, with 10 acorns of hashish.

Guy 29 year old, He was arrested during yesterday's dawn, with 10 acorns of hashish, over 100 grams, that would give 500 individual doses. After detainee was notified to appear today before the Court of Instance of Almodovar Location.

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