(Exclusive) Justice: Beja MP prosecutor acquitted by the Court of Justice of the crimes of persecution and defamation of a colleague.

(Exclusive) Justice: Beja MP prosecutor acquitted by the Court of Justice of the crimes of persecution and defamation of a colleague.

The Court of Évora Relationship (THREE) acquitted this Tuesday morning a Prosecutor from the Public Ministry of the Central Criminal Court of the Court of Beja, who was tried for the crimes of aggravated persecution and defamation with slanderous advertising, committed against a colleague in the same court.

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CIMB: Formalization of the acquisition of a warehouse for the Food Bank Against Hunger.

CIMB: Formalization of the acquisition of a warehouse for the Food Bank Against Hunger.

On 1 December last year, the Lidador News (LN), revealed that CIMBAL was going to invest 300 thousand euros, and 250 thousand euros in the acquisition of space and more 50 thousand for the association to equip itself with a cold storage, essential to preserve certain collected foods that require refrigeration.

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U.F. Salvador and Feira: parish news.

U.F. Salvador and Feira: parish news.

The Union of Parishes of Beja Salvador and Santa Maria present at the inauguration of the Social Bodies of Centro Infantil Coronel Sousa Tavares and at the presentation of the Walking Footbal Project and the Conference “Viagem Aérea Portugal Macau-1924”.

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Beja: fire 2020 at Herdade da Mingorra arrives at court.

Beja: fire 2020 at Herdade da Mingorra arrives at court.

Trial opposing Crédito Agrícola Seguros to Sony Europe and Worten was scheduled for next March. The insurer requests compensation for 942.500 euros, due to house fire on Mingorra Farm.

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Beja: Insults, offenses and disobedience against GNR’s, in two processes, come to trial today.

Beja: Insults, offenses and disobedience against GNR’s, in two processes, come to trial today.

Two individuals, defendants in different cases, Today they begin to be judged by a Panel of Judges from the Court of Beja, accused of crimes of insult, offenses, coercion and disobedience practiced against GNR soldiers.

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