Beja: Giant king cake with 50 meters on Three Kings Day.

Beja: Giant king cake with 50 meters on Three Kings Day.

On 6 January, by 15 hours, the population of the city of Beja is invited to celebrate Three Kings' Day by tasting a giant king cake with 50 meters in length, made by the century-old Luiz da Rocha pastry shop.

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Railroad: Tender Notice for Modernization of the Alentejo Line Open (Casa Branca-Beja section).

Railroad: Tender Notice for Modernization of the Alentejo Line Open (Casa Branca-Beja section).

In a statement, the Commission for the Coordination and Regional Development of Alentejo (CCDR Alentejo) makes it known that the tender notice for modernization of the Casa Branca-Beja railway section is open.

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Beja: Zona Azul celebrates 50th anniversary and promotes increase in quotas.

Beja: Zona Azul celebrates 50th anniversary and promotes increase in quotas.

Twenty years later, the Alcaçarias club increased the membership fee and created a new category.

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U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.

U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.

Repaving of the section that connects Rua Fomento in Parque Industrial to Rua Carmo Velho has been completed, a fair demand made by businesspeople.

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Beja: Eight members of a violent group tried for qualified physical integrity offenses.

Beja: Eight members of a violent group tried for qualified physical integrity offenses.

eight individuals, aged between 18 and 29 year old, members of a violent group, They will be judged, at the beginning of next January, for the crime of offense to qualified physical integrity, by a Collective of Judges of the Court of Beja.

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