Crcdria: Regional Services of Baixo Alentejo are installed in the Municipal Market.
The Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission, I.P. (CCDR Alentejo, I.P.) will inaugurate its new facilities for Baixo Alentejo Regional Services, in Beja, the next day 24 May, 11.00am.
U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.
The President of the Board was present at the Shave E9G Consortium Meeting, which had as its main point the report on activities carried out between February and May 2024.
Real Thaw 2024: FAP carries out multinational exercise in BA 11, in Beja.
The Portuguese Air Force (FAP) vai make, Air Base No. 11 (BA11), in Beja, between 22 May and 5 June, the multinational and multidisciplinary exercise “Real Thaw/Hot Blade 2024” (RT/HB24).
Baleizão: PCP pays tribute to Catarina Eufémia in 70 years of his murder.
Catarina Eufémia will be honored today, in Baleizão, by the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) on the exact day, 19 May, in which they are completed 70 years of his assassination by fascism.
Aviation: Mayor of Beja defends expansion of the local airport to support Lisbon.
“Se, In the next years, o Government and in Vinci [owner of ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal] move towards expanding the parking apron and the airport, Beja Airport can receive many more passenger flights”, defended Paulo Arsénio.