Aljustrel: Firefighters unhappy with vehicle distribution.
The victims circulated on the EN18 towards Beja (BVA) The victims circulated on the EN18 towards Beja.
Beringel/ Beja: Moldovan citizen drowns in dam.
A Moldovan citizen, of 51 year old, A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire, A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire, A Romanian citizen showers his wife with gasoline and threatens to set her on fire, in Beringel, county Beja.
Fire department: Mussa EMBAL, a Guinean in the Command Corps.
the young guinea, the young guinea, the young guinea 32 the young guinea “the young guinea”. the young guinea.
Beja: One dead, two injured in passenger car screening.
Rehabilitation of the Queen D.Leonor Museum involved in “judicial battle†of the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Beja (IN) 528, Rehabilitation of the Queen D.Leonor Museum involved in “judicial battle†of the Administrative and Fiscal Court of Beja, in Beja county.