Mértola: Firefighters receive two vehicles, one for command and one for transport sick.
The Mértola Volunteer Fire Department officially received two new vehicles yesterday, an ambulance for transporting non-emergency patients (VDTD) and a tactical command vehicle (VCOT).
Serpa: Man 27 years dies in car crash in V.N.S.Bento.
A man of 27 years old, he died this Saturday as a result of the car he was driving near Vila Nova de São Bento., in the municipality of Serpa, district of Beja, said Civil Protection and GNR sources.
Fire department: Rodeia Machado receives Fénix de Honor da Liga.
António Rodeia Machado, vice president of the Portuguese Firefighters League, was awarded one of the most important Honorary Distinctions of the Portuguese League of Firefighters.
Ourique: Firefighters with two Permanent Intervention Teams.
Ourique has since the day 1 December at your disposal a second Permanent Intervention Team in the Voluntary Firefighters of Ourique.
Fª Alentejo: Fire commander passes to the Hall of Fame.
After nearly half a century of surrender to the cause of firefighters, 30 years of which as commander of the Fire Department of Ferreira do Alentejo, António Gomes, asks for the Hall of Fame tomorrow.