Odemira: 861st Anniversary of the Volunteer Firefighters.
The new mayor of Odemira City Council guaranteed the availability of support to Firefighters on the 86th anniversary of the corporation.
Mértola: Collision of three vehicles causes three injuries. one in serious condition.
One serious wounded and two light ones, was the result of a collision involving three vehicles, two passenger cars and one light goods, happened this wednesday afternoon, near Penedos, municipality of Mértola.
Moura: Local authority delivery of equipment to firefighters.
The Municipality of Moura acquired five Open Circuit Insulating Respiratory Devices (ARICA), having delivered this equipment to the Moura Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Mértola: Firefighters Acquire New Emergency Ambulance.
Firefighters Volunteer Mértola (BVM) will receive a new rescue ambulance whose purchase, costing more than 51 thousand euros, will be supported in full by funds from the association..
Odemira: Nazario Viana, ex-commander, leave the fire department.
Former Fire Brigade Commander ends his career in 43 years in the service of the Corporation. Today, day he celebrates his 65th birthday, begins to live the deserved reform.