Canyons: Iara is born inside the fire brigade ambulance.

Canyons: Iara is born inside the fire brigade ambulance.

Inês had gone into labor and her daughter was born near Vila Verde de Ficalho, Serpa county, a 55 kilometers from the maternity hospital of Beja.

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Electron barracks: Mértola firefighters win prize “New Member”.

Electron barracks: Mértola firefighters win prize “New Member”.

Quartel Electrão is a contest involving the Humanitarian Associations of Voluntary Firemen (AHBV) and citizens, in favor of recycling electrical products.

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Fire department: Municipalities reinforce support to corporations.

Fire department: Municipalities reinforce support to corporations.

Financial difficulties and the current crisis scenario in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, led some of the city councils in the district of Beja to grant financial and material support to the Fire Departments of their municipality.

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Odemira: International Civil Protection Day, during the month of March.

Odemira: International Civil Protection Day, during the month of March.

The Municipality of Odemira will signal, throughout the month, the International Civil Protection Day, celebrated in Portugal the 1 March.

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Mértola: Firefighters invest in times of crisis.

Mértola: Firefighters invest in times of crisis.

Firefighters invest more than 10.000 euros in relief and training in times of crisis. Acquired resuscitation maneuver device and SVB mannequin (basic suport of life) .

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