Ourique: Vaccination process completed in homes. Start at firefighters.
Tomorrow the vaccination process for users and workers in all homes in the municipality of Ourique is concluded.
Moura: Firefighters School Center Contest.
Moura Volunteer Fire School Center advances to public tender this month.
Fire department. Start of vaccination. Controversy with “leftovers” Moura.
Vaccinated today 140 firefighters 13 corporations. The second dose will be in May. Inoculation of operators in Moura with “leftovers” from the Health Center generates controversy.
Pandemic: Vaccination of firefighters from 13 district corporations.
One hundred and forty firefighters get vaccinated between today and tomorrow. In total, 290 vaccinated operatives. The inoculations will be given by the health services of Hospital de Beja.
Fire department: National Operational Advisers resign from the League.
Thirteen of the twenty National Operational Advisers of the Portuguese Firefighters League resigned today. Among them is the representative of the district of Beja.