INEM: New ambulances still stops waiting IMT inspection.

INEM: New ambulances still stops waiting IMT inspection.

INEM ambulances purchased by fire brigades, continue stops. Now is the IMT inspections, after overcome the issue of characterization.

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INEM: IMT is already approve the new ambulances firemen.

INEM: IMT is already approve the new ambulances firemen.

The Institute for Mobility and Transport (IMT), is licensing the new emergency ambulance firemen, who were standing waiting for licensing because of new colors and property.

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INEM: Ambulances stops because of the new color. There are three corporations in the affected district.

INEM: Ambulances stops because of the new color. There are three corporations in the affected district.

The characterization of the new INEM ambulance is illegal and the Institute of Transport is to deny licenses for travel sick. Alvito, Precipices and Cuba, among the corporations affected firefighters.

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Ferreira do Alentejo: Screening carrying heavy oil, is injured slightly.

Ferreira do Alentejo: Screening carrying heavy oil, is injured slightly.

Spanish heavy goods, carrying oil, He flipped in IP8, in the future access to the A2 roundabout, next to Malhada Velha, Fig Knights (Ferreira do Alentejo). It is the second in less than 24 hours.

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Mértola: heavy screening with ore, makes serious injured.

Mértola: heavy screening with ore, makes serious injured.

Heavy goods with ore to Spain, crashed up on the way to Mértola. vehicle driver suffered serious injuries.

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