Beja: Desassossego singers will have space at the Casa da Cultura.

Beja: Desassossego singers will have space at the Casa da Cultura.

The Choral Group “Cantadores do Desassossego”, Beja, There will be a rehearsal room, provided by the municipality.

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Beja: Municipality opened applications for “Study Scholarships” for the academic year of 2023/24.

Beja: Municipality opened applications for “Study Scholarships” for the academic year of 2023/24.

The Municipality of Beja, proceeded to open, between 1 and 15 November, of applications for the award of Scholarships to young people from needy or large families.

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Odemira: Tributes at the Municipality Day ceremony.

Odemira: Tributes at the Municipality Day ceremony.

On 8 of September, by 10.00 hours, the Solemn Session of Municipality Day will take place at the MisericĂłrdia Church of Odemira, day on which the municipal holiday is marked. The Protocol Ceremony will be a moment to pay tribute and recognize two people from Odemir who stood out for the role and action they demonstrated throughout their lives.

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Beja: Coalition “I can do it Beja can do it”, voted against the acquisition of vacant properties.

Beja: Coalition “I can do it Beja can do it”, voted against the acquisition of vacant properties.

At the chamber meeting 23 August 2023, a proposal for the acquisition of 30 vacant properties in the rural parishes of the municipality of Beja.

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Beja: Construction work on Municipal Road 513-”Estrada de Quintos”.

Beja: Construction work on Municipal Road 513-”Estrada de Quintos”.

The Executive of the City Council of Beja approved the award of the contract for Municipal Road n.⁰ 513, known as “Quintos road”. The value of the work will be € 887.000,00 + VAT.

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