Castro Verde: Municipality will award “Municipal School Merit Award”.
The Municipality of Castro Verde values ​​the merit and commitment of students residing and attending schools in the municipality.
Castro Verde: Chamber in Parishes throughout the municipality.
The Municipality of Castro Verde promotes, a partir do dia 18 of September (Monday), a set of Meetings with the Population in the parishes of the municipality.
Castro Verde: Collision on the A2 leaves five injured.
five wounded, one of which serious, was the result of a collision between two passenger vehicles that occurred on Saturday morning, on Highway (A2) 2, close to Castro Verde. Two of the victims were imprisoned.
Castro Verde: Municipality will begin works on Municipal Road 535, known as the “Casével Road”.
The project to requalify the Municipal Road 535, which connects Castro Verde to the town of Casével and Ourique Station, in total 13,7 km, will start in the next few days.
Castro Verde: “Let's go… to school”. Project starts at 18 of September in the schools of the 1st CEB.
From the next day 18 of September, the project “Let's go… to school” challenges students in the 1st cycle of Basic Education in Castro Verde to adopt a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle.