Castro Verde: City supports firefighters with extraordinary funding.
The Municipality of Castro Verde awarded financial support in the amount of €12,000 (twelve thousand euros) to the Volunteer Firefighters of Castro Verde.
Castro Verde: Cercicoa autonomous residences.
This is a new social response that represents an investment by Cercicoa of around 450 thousand euros, financed to 85% by Community funds and in 15% by funds from the institution.
Castro Verde: “Return Programâ€, Measure to Support the Return of Emigrants to Portugal.
The Municipality promotes from tomorrow, clarification sessions in six locations in the county, aiming to encourage the return and settlement of emigrants or relatives of emigrants, in Portugal.
Castro Verde: Municipality approves proposed regulation to attract and retain doctors.
Castro Verde City Council approved a proposal for a Regulation to attract and retain family doctors in the municipality.
Castro Verde: Municipality approves budget above 19 million.
The City Council of Castro Verde approved last Thursday, your Budget and Plan Options to 2023, not global value of € 19.640.000, with the favorable votes of the PS elected representatives and the abstention of the CDU councilors.