Castro Verde: Municipality files criminal complaint with the Public Ministry for evictions on public roads.
The Castro Verde City Council will file a criminal complaint today with the Public Minister of the Almodôvar Court in order to find out who carried out the open dumping in one of the town's arteries..
Castro Verde: Armed robbers steal thousands of euros from bank.
Two armed men robbed the Santander branch in Castro Verde, no Beja district, Wednesday. They will have taken 80 a 100 thousand euros.
Castro Verde: Reopening of the Transport Coordinating Center.
It takes place this Friday, 20 of September, 18h00, the Reopening Session of the Castro Verde Transport Coordinating Center, after renovation work on the building.
Castro Verde: Municipality bets on the future, through school education.
The school year 2024/25 starts this Friday, 13 of September, in schools in the municipality of Castro Verde. In this new cycle, the City Council continues its strong commitment to the future, through Education and schools.
Neves-Corvo: Australians and Swedes in the race for Somincor.
Australian mining company South32 and Swedish company Boliden are two of four foreign groups in the race for the Neves-Corvo mine, the largest in the country located in Alentejo.