Beja: GNR did fifteen held in the district between 13 and 19 March.
fifteen arrests, six for driving under the excess of alcohol and two for drug trafficking, are some of the main events, the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 13 a 19 March.
Beja: GNR made eleven arrests, five for driving under influence of alcohol.
eleven arrests, five for driving under the excess of alcohol and three for driving without legal authorization, are some of the main events, the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 27 February to 5 March.
Beja: GNR did thirty-six arrests, twenty four, all Romanian citizens, of olive theft
Thirty-six arrests, Most of olive theft, three for driving under the excess of alcohol and one hundred and nine offenses for speeding, are some of the main events, the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 16 a 22 January.
Beja: GNR fez 16 arrests, seized hashish and heroin and detected 92 speeding.
sixteen arrests, five for driving under the excess alcohol, ninety two violations for speeding, are some of the main events, the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 9 a 15 January.
Beja: District PSP command without effective commander since July 2016.
Command District of Beja Public Security Police (PSP), It is no effective commander since July 2016, date the Superintendent AdÃlio Custodio asked the National Directorate “unpaid leave”.