Beja: GNR fez 15 arrests, 6 for driving under influence of alcohol, between 12 and 18 of September.
fifteen arrests, the seizure of various types of drugs and five firearms are some of the main events, the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 12 a 18 of September.
Beja: GNR fez 22 arrests, 10 which for driving under the influence of alcohol, between 5 and 11 of September.
Twenty-two arrests, the seizure of drugs and a firearm are some of the main events,
the set of operations that the Territorial Command Beja has conducted district of Beja, the week of 5 a 11 of September.
Vidigueira: GNR assesses the XVII Concentration Motard.
O Comando Territorial da GNR, He took stock “Positive work and civic behavior of participants” the XVII Motard Concentration Vidigueira.
Beja: Territorial GNR command celebrates 7th anniversary in 1 August.
The next day 1 August, as part of the restructuring of GNR, marks the 7th anniversary of the creation of the Territorial Command Beja and transfer to the city and the district of the 2nd Rural Company of Battalion No. 3.
Évora: inauguration ceremony of the new commander of the Territorial Command.
Colonel João Maia, former Chief of the Criminal Investigation of Beja Territorial Command, is from today the new Commander of the Territorial Command Évora National Guard (GNR).