Covid-19: DGS reveals that on Tuesday there 50 no positive cases Alentejo.

Covid-19: DGS reveals that on Tuesday there 50 no positive cases Alentejo.

Situation on 31 March: The Alentejo has 50 positive cases, more 5 than in the day yesterday. No deaths in the region.

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(Updated) COVID-19: DGS reveals that this Sunday there 41 infetados no Alentejo.

(Updated) COVID-19: DGS reveals that this Sunday there 41 infetados no Alentejo.

Situation on 29 March: The Alentejo has 41 positive cases, more 7 than in the day yesterday. No Beja District county has 3 or more cases. Unlike ARSAlentejo, ARSAlgarve to continue to publish daily reports.

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Beja: if positive “imported” Argentina of a group of 45 people.

Beja: if positive “imported” Argentina of a group of 45 people.

A woman was positive in Covid-19 test, in a case that will have been "imported" from Argentina, within a group of 45 who was in Buenos Aires. It is the second case in the district.

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Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): coronavirus, COVID-19 and more of the same.

Telechronics (Ademar Days of opinion): coronavirus, COVID-19 and more of the same.

Staying at home is the number one way to fight the pandemic COVID-19.

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COVID-19:  If positive in Almodovar. Emigrant returned from France.

COVID-19: If positive in Almodovar. Emigrant returned from France.

Yesterday registered the first positive case in the district of Beja. Emigrant from France, residing in Almodovar. He auditioned on Sunday in Beja Hospital.

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