Cuba: Municipality approves community support measures.
In extraordinary meeting, a package of community support measures was approved, by the Municipality of Cuba.
Cuba: Municipality invests in distance learning.
Cuban municipality bets on equal opportunities in distance learning. Delivery of tablets and routers for Internet access.
Cuba: Deadly victim in passenger car screening.
One dead and two injured in a passenger car accident. The victims are Romanian agricultural workers.
Cuba: Outbreak of covid-19 in the Misericórdia home has already caused death to 11 users.
The second municipality with the highest cumulative incidence in Portugal of cases of covid-19, already caused the third most deadly outbreak in homes in the district.
Cuba: Outbreak of covid-19 in the home of Santa Casa has 93 infetados.
The Cuban Residential Structure for Elderly People registers 93 active cases, and 67 users and 26 employees of a total of 74 users and 43 officials.