Odemira: I Sports Gala, nine categories to “reward, encourage and honor”.
They are 27 the nominees, divided into nine categories, for the first edition of the Sports Gala in Odemira, promoted by the City Council to “reward, encourage and honor” the sports agents in the county who have achieved meritorious results.
Odemira: "Sport-Friendly Municipality" Award.
The Municipality of Odemira received, for the fourth consecutive year, the Sport-Friendly Municipality award.
Odemira: Certified training cycle in Sport.
The Municipality of Odemira promotes training on training load monitoring in endurance sports.
ADJ 2019: Program opens applications to rehabilitate clubs facilities.
They are open until next 15 February nominations for Sports Facilities Rehabilitation Program (ADJ) 2019, designed to reshape sports clubs facilities.
Beja: EMAS involved in various awareness fronts and work.
The EMAS Beja joined the European Week for Waste Reduction within the campaign "Tap Water If It Please", celebrated World Sanitation Day and collaborated in Cross Country District School Sports.