EDIA: Faced with covid-19, company maintains contracts and restricts contacts.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed, EDIA maintains contracts, maintenance and assistance to farmers, but, closes spaces and restricts contacts. Face-to-face assistance will be by appointment.
EDIA: Tender for bird monitoring.
Monitoring of Avifauna in 9 irrigation perimeters in the EFMA Secondary Irrigation Network (2021-2022) led EDIA to launch a public tender.
EDIA: Guide to good agri-environmental practices.
It is available online, the Guide to Good Agro-Environmental Practices prepared by EDIA.
Alqueva: EDIA integrates project with CIMBAL.
“Living the Climate in Baixo Alentejoâ€, is a project promoted by the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo, CIMB, which is a partner EDIA.
EDIA: Irrigators Alqueva are over 5 million debt.
In a year the irrigators with debts increased 687 to 2508 and the amount to settle grew almost 150%. public company no good reasons for this increase, whose value is greater than 5,2 million.