Beja: Exhibition at the Museum Center of Sembrano Street.
exhibition cycle Under the Land and Water inaugurated the exhibition "Agriculture is not now - The First Farmers". Shows materials of archaeological work in the EFMA.
Alentejo: The dried and the supply of the population requires the removal of fish dams Alentejo.
They were 06,00 Moura hours when four fishermen, They cast their nets on the Watch dam reservoir, county Redondo, for initiating the operation removes carp, crucian carp and catfish.
Dry: Edia coordinates withdrawal fish ponds Alentejo.
The dam of Monte da Rocha, in Ourique county, It is a priority for the removal of fish, due to the low level reservoir, The operation begins Monday. Afetas of the Alqueva reservoir system, They have been taken about 14 tons of fish.
Alqueva: EDIA implements measures to combat dry climacteric.
Following the measures implemented by EDIA for aid to farmers in drought relief Climate, which also affects the area of ​​influence of the Multi Purpose Alqueva Venture (EFMA).
Alqueva: Edia ensures water booster to all irrigation areas.
“There are rules to follow”, advocates edia in a statement, which ensures the water booster “all neighboring perimeters”.