EDIA: Company published report characterizing its customers.
It is now available on the EDIA website, the characterization report of your clients in 2022.
EDIA: Alqueva Agricultural Yearbook 2022 is already available.
The Alqueva Agricultural Yearbook entered its seventh edition and is now available on the EDIA website. This document is intended to provide a framework, as clear as possible, with regard to existing and potential production systems in Alqueva.
Alqueva: Simulation of a flood in the Guadiana river.
A partir das 5 Wednesday morning hours, day 1 March, Alqueva will release 300 m3/s from Pedrógão dam, thus simulating a flood flow, essential for “cleaning” the bed of the Guadiana river to the mouth, ensuring compliance with the natural regime of that watercourse.
Alqueva: Irrigators are surprised by the lack of water billing in the last quarter of 2022.
The Enterprise Development and Infrastructures of Alqueva (EDIA) has not yet invoiced water consumption for the fourth quarter of 2022. Farmers wonder. EDIA says it is in processing.
Alqueva: FAABA against new water pricing and its use plan.
A Faabu – Federation of Associations of Baixo Alentejo sent a letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Maria do CĂ©u Antunes, where he expresses his concerns about some issues related to the management of water in the irrigation of Alqueva.